Weak leadership is betrayed by the use of possessive pronouns. When I hear a vice president or president talk about “my staff,” or “my cabinet,” experience suggests that I’m dealing with someone who cares more about position and less about performance. Of course, the person using the “my staff” language believes such language portrays a…
Stories Versus Menus
There are two approaches to developing funding opportunities: Develop a compelling vision for the institution’s future based on mission and values by engaging key leaders, donors, and constituents in a planning process. Specific funding priorities are identified that support this compelling vision. Develop a comprehensive list of institutional needs and encourage donors to support the…
The Distinctiveness Trap
I hear it all the time from institutional leaders: “We need to identify what makes us distinctive.” “Our strategic plan/viewbook/brochure/website/direct mail letter/(you name it) should highlight the distinctive aspects of our programs.” “Our institution has to show how it is different from every other institution out there.” It seems that most institutional and advancement leaders…
Fundraising Principles For The New Universe: The Practice of Immersion
So far I’ve identified four principles which I believe are keys to fundraising success as a result of the 2008 recession. The principles (Income Stream Diversity, Database Depth, Bench Depth, and Big Value Communication) highlight new thinking based on the economic realities in which institutions (and their donors) now find themselves. The final principle is…
Fundraising Principles For The New Universe: Big Value Communication
Since the Great Recession, fundraising has changed fundamentally – especially major gift fundraising. In recent posts, I’ve identified three principles (Income Stream Diversity, Database Depth, and Bench Depth) that are keys to institutional success in today’s fundraising environment. The fourth principle for successful fundraising in The New Universe is Big Value Communication. Big Value Communication…
Fundraising Principles For The New Universe: Bench Depth
The nature of fundraising has changed. Thus far, I have proposed two principles (Income Stream Diversity and Database Depth), which, if implemented regularly and effectively, will provide your institution with an approach that leads to transformational outcomes. The third principle for fundraising in The New Universe is Bench Depth. Bench Depth refers to the capacity…
Fundraising Principles For The New Universe: Database Depth
Institutions today are faced with a series of issues that fundamentally have changed our fundraising environment – it is a New Universe. In my last article, I suggested that development offices need to diversify their institution’s income streams. Today, I am offering the second principle that I believe is important if institutions are to thrive…
Fundraising Principles For The New Universe: Income Stream Diversity
Our universe has changed – dramatically. And, the old universe ain’t coming back anytime soon. So, I have posited a set of principles which, when implemented, will provide our institutions with opportunities for success in this new environment. Principle number 1 is: Income Stream Diversity. Income stream diversity refers to expanding the sources of income…
Fundraising Success In The New Universe
Our known universe has changed. Savings rates for individuals are trending up. Philanthropy is down. The mega-gifts that fueled campaigns (and fundraising totals) over the past few decades are decreasing. The housing market is still tanking in many areas so people are feeling much “less rich.” And unemployment remains stubbornly high. Most everything we’ve understood…
My Best Wish
As we steam toward another year end, full-tilt in the “Season of Giving,” it’s easy to let the busy-ness of development work become all-consuming. So much to be done. And, all on a deadline of December 31. During this hectic time, my hope is that you and the members of your team will take time…