Everyone is busy. Life is hectic. What comes to us urgently consistently takes our focus from what is planned.
But, when devote just one half hour per week to consistently working on our goals, we make substantive progress.
One half hour per week to make phone calls to recent donors to thank them for their generosity.
One half hour per week to write notes to those who gave by this time last year but haven’t yet responded this year.
One half hour per week to strategize with a colleague about one of your assigned major donors.
One half hour per week to write elements of your case for support.
One half hour per week to read or listen to a mind-stretching podcast.
One half hour per week to mediate.
One half hour per week exercise.
When we do this for one month, we may not notice much difference. But, when we do this for six months it seems our whole world has changed.
One half hour per week of planned activity isn’t sufficient, but its a start and will likely lead to more planned activity.
Many of us spend multiple hours on our smartphones each day.
Surely, we can find one half hour per week.