Some version of this question is asked by every person new to advancement work.
“What are the steps to close a major gift?”
“What is the process for increasing annual gifts?”
“What’s the recipe?”
The advancement analogy of a food recipe is a good one. The personal meal preparer typically follows a recipe closely.
The chef at a 5 star restaurant doesn’t.
He knows he isn’t making a food product as much as he is creating an experience. He may use a recipe as a starting point, but he will freely adjust the mixture and use of ingredients based on his own palate and experience.
There aren’t many good recipes to do advancement work well over time.
“What is the donor communicating?”
“What experience are they seeking?”
“What type of gift is needed to best support your mission?”
The responses to these questions, along with your experience and understanding, will help shape the “recipe” you should use to engage and invite a given donor effectively.
We may start with a very basic advancement recipe, but, just like the best chefs, the most effective advancement folk learn how to adjust and create in the moment.