Good morning and welcome to 2025!
I hope the last evening of 2024 was an enjoyable one for you, your family, and friends.
As many people establish resolutions for the New Year, I thought I’d share mine.
I’m calling this “A Resolution for Generosity.” I hope I can keep it.
In a world full of loneliness and disconnectedness, I resolve to spend more time promoting the goodness of giving for individuals and communities.
In a world full of selfishness and egotism, I resolve to celebrate more enthusiastically the virtue of the generous spirit.
In a world full of anger and disagreeableness, I resolve to invite more people to experience the joy of volunteering.
In a world full of distrust and cynicism, I resolve to promote the transforming and freeing experience of giving gifts without restrictions.
And, in a world full of misbelief and conspiracies, I resolve to help more people understand the perspectives of others through the act of giving.