Instead of simply saying these phrases each day, what if we made the effort to mean these phrases each day?
“Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.”
“How are you?”
“Good morning.”
“I’m sorry.”
“I appreciate you.”
“See you tomorrow.”
If we made a habit of saying these common, everyday phrases animated by their real meaning:
- advancement team morale would increase significantly;
- the sense of teamwork would expand dramatically;
- connection and care among team members would be enhanced;
- team members would look forward to coming to work more consistently.
Kindness, empathy, humility, patience, diligence, and, even creativity and productivity would all multiply simply by rediscovering and applying the meaning in these little, everyday phrases all of us use.
It doesn’t always take big changes to make life and work significantly better.
Doing (and saying) the little, good things consistently has magical power.