It’s true.
But it won’t happen (at least by natural means when the all-powerful and life-giving sun peters out) until about 5-7 billion years in the future.
So, the statement is true.
But, it wouldn’t make much sense to re-order our lives, relationships, work experiences and major decisions around that true statement. It’s true, but it should not have any specific relevance for us today – unless we give it relevance and decide that the fact that it is true also makes it relevant.
Each day we awake with a profound choice.
We can extend the benefit of the doubt to others. In other words, we can ascribe the best of motivations to others until we are proven otherwise. Or, we can assume the worst about them and their motivations.
We have the agency to choose which approach we will take.
Yes, the most powerful physical force in our world – the sun – will bring our world to an end.
But that truth really doesn’t impact us unless we decide that it can.