Do you care about the mission of your institution? Care enough to work beyond the end of the day without even noticing?
Do you care about bettering yourself professionally? Care enough to read a book (or follow a blog!) about our advancement work?
Do you care about the quality of your work product? Care enough to hear feedback without becoming defensive or territorial?
Do you care about constructing a positive work culture? Care enough not to deconstruct proposed solutions, new ideas, or team-building activities?
Do you care about the people who care about your institution? Care enough to refrain from using the phrase, “That’s not my job,” in response to a volunteer’s request?
Do you care about your teammates? Care enough to commit to only say positive things about them in public and only share concerns directly with them in private?
People say they care about a lot of important aspects of our work.
But our influence grows only when our behaviors align with what we say we care about.