When we think about our work, it’s easy to get caught up in the pieces. For instance:
- the specific steps we have to complete to get the next direct mail package to the printer; or,
- the tasks we agreed to implement to plan our next special event; or,
- the visits we need to confirm to make our next trip to see donors a success.
Pieces matter.
But, if we focus too intently on the pieces and fail to occasionally expand the aperture of our vision to consider the broader purpose of our work, we can succumb to frustrations, fatigue, irritations, and anxieties.
By themselves, the pieces (along with the focus and work we commit to them) can be draining and uninspiring.
It’s only when we pause to remind ourselves of the purpose for the pieces that we are energized, inspired, and motivated. The purpose provides the broader and deeper meaning for each piece.
The most effective leaders understand this. They remind the team of the importance of the purpose, the mission, or the cause.
They create space regularly for the team to remind themselves.
And, like a virtuous cycle, the team reminds them.