We may, legitimately, need another gift officer on the team.
Incontrovertibly, we may need another gift processor.
There may be no question that we need more budgeted resources to implement our alumni program.
All of these limited-resource realities (and many others) might be accurate and true.
But none of them change the fact that today, right now, we have some resources. We have options. We have choices. We have opportunities. We have good people around us. And there is important work that needs to be completed well.
What can we do with what we already have? How can we streamline more? What can we combine and integrate? What are our priorities? Never easy or wanted questions. But worthwhile ones, no matter the resources we have in play.
Yes, we need to plan for a better, more effective future. But planning work (even when disguised as righteous complaining) can never be all our work.
We also need to be deeply engaged with implementing on the possibilities of today.