“I need better data,” is the response we often hear (and sometimes give ourselves) when we are uncomfortable with a next step.
- “I need more data before I know how much to invite him to give. . .”
- “I need better data before we can run an accurate list of donors who gave at least $1,000 last year. . . “
- “I need more email addresses before it makes sense to develop and distribute an e-newsletter. . .”
In most cases, better, cleaner, or simply more data is not needed to take a next step.
Consider these responses:
- “What if you asked him if he would be willing to make a gift, first, and then, see where that takes the conversation?”
- “What if we run the list of $1,000+ donors from last year and review it together to see if we can spot any errors?”
- “What if we develop the e-newsletter and, simultaneously, create a plan to capture more email address from our constituents?”
Chances are, our current data – while never perfect – is good enough to take a next step.
The real question is, will we do it?