They aren’t. . .
your donors. You are one of their charitable recipients.
your Board members. You are one of their volunteer priorities.
your staff. You are one of the key factors in their workplace satisfaction.
your Twitter followers. You are one of their social media interests.
your prospects. They may not even be aware of you.
We tend to view through our own egotistical lenses the engagement of all those with the capacities to make our institutions vibrant and successful.
But when we take the time to view that same engagement from their perspective, not only are we enlightened to a new reality, but we instantly become better advancement professionals and leaders.
They aren’t ours. We are theirs.
And, everyday we should seek to understand them better, serve them more personally, invite them more enthusiastically, and delight them more ardently. Only then will our institution’s mission, aspirations, and goals become one of their priorities.