Are you an advancement leader at your institution? Do you aspire to move up and become an advancement leader?
If so, you will want to attend this upcoming workshop – Leading To Make A Difference.
The Workshop is sponsored by GGTS and I’m serving as the keynote speaker.
You will want to attend if:
- You’ve struggled with how to engage your full Board in advancement activities.
- You’ve wondered how best to use your CEO in advancement.
- Your advisory councils are not working as effectively as they could be.
- You are interested in learning about innovative ways to grow your own staff.
- You simply want to learn what others are doing to more effectively lead their advancement operations.
The workshop is being held on August 4-5, 2011, in Lombard, IL (just outside Chicago). We have an all-star roster of advancement leaders from around the country serving as your faculty. Come join us for two-days of powerful learning. It will change your effectiveness as a leader!
If you would like to attend, please contact me at