At the turn of the New Year, one of my priorities was to make The Far Edge of Promise a bit more user friendly. My goal was to keep the site clean but add some ease with which people could sign up for the blog and navigate. Well, we have a new site!! Take a look and give me your feedback at
Encourage your colleagues, bosses, team members, aunts, uncles, etc., and anyone else who leads organizations and cares about working effectively with donors to take a look. 🙂
Let me plug the good folk at Big Creek Creative, who provide great service and made the transition to the new site possible. If you or your organization have web design and/or development needs, please consider Big Creek Creative. With loads of experience in the non-profit environment, you won’t be sorry.
Looking forward to a 2010 filled with stronger relationships and great ideas.
Onward and Upward! Jason