The best annual giving officers imagine the experience of going to the mailbox and receiving their direct mail solicitation. Is the envelope inviting? Does the packaging stand out? Is the chosen font readable and is the messaging clear? The best Deans create stories about important and timely problems of the world and, then, position what…
Category: Constituency Service
Signage as an Advancement Tool
On far too many campuses and in far too many healthcare settings, finding one’s way around is difficult at best and downright distressing at worst. Whole buildings, floors, or offices may not be clearly marked. Arrows may be misleading or make little sense to the walker. Maps may not be updated or may not show…
Denouncing Goals
I can’t stomach the thought of failing. I must be perfect. I already work hard. It’s not obtainable for me. They might find out I’m an imposter. I don’t want to be accountable. It’s not fair to me. When we view a goal as a potential reflection of our core, fundamental selves (i.e., who we…
One Half Hour Per Week
Everyone is busy. Life is hectic. What comes to us urgently consistently takes our focus from what is planned. But, when devote just one half hour per week to consistently working on our goals, we make substantive progress. One half hour per week to make phone calls to recent donors to thank them for their…
“What’s Going On?”
When I ask this question. . . . . . folks in some advancement shops will respond first by sharing the latest gossip or drama at their institution. . . . folks in some advancement shops will respond first by sharing information about a new system, or software, or plan they learned about from colleagues….
Building Nests And Raising Funds
American robins typically live for about 2 years. During their short lifespans they typically care for 4-6 broods. For each brood, they either construct a new nest or substantially renovate a previously-used nest. The process of nest building and caring for chicks usually occurs during the 5 months between March and July of each year….
What’s The Recipe?
Some version of this question is asked by every person new to advancement work. “What are the steps to close a major gift?” “What is the process for increasing annual gifts?” “What’s the recipe?” The advancement analogy of a food recipe is a good one. The personal meal preparer typically follows a recipe closely. The…
Increasing Empathy
The word, generosity, comes to us from the Latin language. . . In the middle ages, generosity was used in connection with royalty. It was viewed as a role royalty played to care for those who were subject to them. Royals owed being generous to their subjects (or so the thinking went). Today we talk…
Escaping The Special Events Horizon
The physicists who study black holes tell us that nothing, including light, can escape the black hole’s “event horizon,” or that place where the edge of the black hole meets the rest of space. The gravitational pull of the black hole is so strong that all matter crossing the event horizon falls inward. The “gravitational…
Our Role
It’s not to get people to show up, although that is part of it. It’s not to get people to engage, although that is part of it. It’s not even to get people to give, although that is part of it. Our real role is to create the conditions so that more people want to…