Much research on leadership development suggests that, as an individual moves up the org chart, her work-style needs to evolve from task-orientation to relationship-orientation. Task-oriented people like to work on projects. They like jobs with deadlines. They get primary fulfillment from “checking off” their completed assignments. They measure success by “getting things done.” On the other…
Author: Jason McNeal
Engaging Donors Through Their Senses
Here’s the reality: every day marketers fill mailboxes with more direct mail packages, call more homes with pitches, place more advertisements on radio and tv (remember when cable tv meant that there was no advertising?), and fill more magazine pages with ads. And consumers are overwhelmed and not paying much attention anymore. According to David…
Leading and Caring
One of the biggest issues facing education and philanthropic organizations today is one of talent. Attracting and retaining talented individuals, especially on the development team, is becoming more and more difficult. It is estimated that development officers are staying in their positions an average of 1.5 – 2.5 years. Understanding that quality development work is…
Looking for an Accomplice
When we ask for advice, we are usually looking for an accomplice. – Marquis de la Grange I love this quote. It can be read as manipulative, but I choose not to. And yes, “accomplice,” does convey wrongdoing of some sort. But if not taken so literally, it can be read in a way that…
Allowing Your Board to Lead
Who do you attract to your Board? “The heavy hitters,” I heard recently when I asked this question. “These are people of influence and affluence.” Great! To our Boards we attract leaders from business, the clergy, political players, and other people of social and financial importance. And then, if we aren’t careful, we take…
What Is A Gift?
We use the word everyday, but what does it mean? What, really, is a gift? Recently, Seth Godin blogging about Gifts, misunderstood, stated the following: A gift costs the giver something real. It might be cash (enough that we feel the pinch) but more likely it involves a sacrifice or a risk or an emotional…
Who’s In Your Hotel?
In the past few months, I’ve had 2 late night flights cancelled causing me to spend extra nights in cities not of my choosing. In each case, the airline provided me with a hotel voucher. As I checked into each hotel, I asked the front desk attendants if they wanted my loyalty number. It just…
Work Yourself Out of a Job
“Don’t work yourself out of a job!” This was a typical refrain from a world which no longer exists. Some people, though, continue to think and behave as if it does. When work was primarily about mass production – be it producing cars, steel, widgets, or even paving roads – workers routinely exercised “workplace governors”…
Objects or Individuals
Some gift income reports I’ve read use the term, “giving units,” to describe donors. I’ve never much liked that terminology. Too cold and objectifying. Recently I read some fascinating research on community college presidents completed by Matt Thompson, a good friend and thoughtful higher education leader. Matt’s research re-introduced me to the concept of verstehen…
Gratitude Is Not Enough
A regular annual fund donor sends in a gift – a check for $1,000. Your organization promptly produces a gift receipt and sends a letter (either hard copy or electronic) expressing gratitude signed by the appropriate staff person. Is that it? Is that all that happens? Despite all the talk about “engaging donors,” I’m afraid…